IMF warns of worst recession on Covid-19 effects

The international lender revealed that seen an extraordinary spike in requests for IMF emergency financing – with 80 ...

Cushion flower farmers from losses, government urged

He welcomed the planned VAT refunds by the government and said the floriculture sector ...

Serena Hotels temporarily suspends operations over Covid-19

Says the hotel has never seen a more challenging situation.

Kenya Breweries unveils a new pack design for its WhiteCap

The can format will also undergo a transformation later in the year into a new premium, ...


4500 farmers in Meru to be trained on profitable farming ...

Director Imenti Community Based Organization (ICOBO) health Foods director Kiambi Paul ...

Six counters at NSE hit record low

NMG share price dropped to an all time high of Sh27 before regaining to Sh28.20.

M-Akiba investors earn Sh44.5 million in interest

The government sought to raise a total amount of Sh250 million against the Sh1 billion ...





Mercury, lead found in sukuma wiki samples

You are better off buying sukuma wiki from local market than Supermarket.

EXCLUSIVE: When poor planning increases pollution

Walkabout with a mobile sensor showed serious levels of air pollution

EXCLUSIVE: Sickening water rocks three counties

Lab tests by the Star have established high levels of bacteria.

Mukuru fumes put 60 asthma patients a month in hospital

As we wait to be let into Maendeleo Learning Centre, smoke drifts over from the chimney ...

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